when a chicken drinks, it lifts its head at each gulp 意味

  • ニワトリは水を飲むときひと飲みごとに頭を高くもちあげる


        with each gulp:    ガブッと一飲みするたびに
        head lifts a little:    《one's ~》少し[わずかに]顔を上げる
        chicken head:    ばか者、愚か者、あほ、間抜け、能なし、脳たりん
        get repetitious when one drinks:    酔うと同じことを言う
        when each of us is a leader:    私たち一人ひとりがリーダーになったときに
        at a gulp:    ひと飲みに、一口に、一気に
        gulp:     1gulp n. ぐい飲み, ひと飲み. 【動詞+】 give a nervous gulp いらいらしてゴクリと息を吸いこむ have a gulp of air 大きく息を吸いこむ take a gulp of cheap whiskey 安物のウイスキーをあおる. 【形容詞 名詞+】 Her breath came in brief
        to gulp:    to gulp 呑む のむ
        give a horse its head:    馬の手綱{たづな}を緩める
        rear its head:    (悪いことが)頭をもたげる、現れる When I thought of my job interview, my shy disposition reared its head. 入社面接のことを考えると、自分の内気な性格のことが頭をもたげた。
        rear its head in the form of:    ~の形で姿を現す
        rear its ugly head:     réar [ráise] its (úgly) héad 1 (1) 頭を上げる;頭角を現す. (2) [通例rear its (ugly) ~の形で]〈悪いことが〉表面に出てくる;〈しっとなどが〉頭をもたげる Ethnic cleaning has once again reared its ugly ~ in the Balkan provinces. バルカン地方に民族浄化の兆しが
        stand the argument on its head:    その論議{ろんぎ}を受けて立つ
        turn everything on its head:    すべてをひっくり返す
        turn history on its head:    歴史{れきし}を作る


  1. "when (the) voltage rises" 意味
  2. "when a baby eats too fast, the stomach contents are often pushed up into the esophagus and out through its mouth" 意味
  3. "when a bill has passed through all its parliamentary stages, it is sent to the queen for royal assent" 意味
  4. "when a boy" 意味
  5. "when a burglar alarm blares" 意味
  6. "when a close approach is impossible, use a telephoto lens" 意味
  7. "when a crime is committed with malice aforethought, it incurs a more severe sentence" 意味
  8. "when a crisis comes" 意味
  9. "when a customer is deceased" 意味
  10. "when a boy" 意味
  11. "when a burglar alarm blares" 意味
  12. "when a close approach is impossible, use a telephoto lens" 意味
  13. "when a crime is committed with malice aforethought, it incurs a more severe sentence" 意味

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